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Scotty unfortunately started his week before Anaheim with an illness. Tuesday after San Diego, he was hit with it and nothing seemed to give him relief. He struggled with the travels because of it and knew he was in for an experience when Saturday began. Scotty kept a positive mental attitude heading into practice and knew once he got the blood flowing, his condition may improve. The situation seemed to be about the opposite as he did his best to get around the track. The first sessions were decent as he did have decent times, but the ruts were beginning to develop underneath the dry top layer of dirt. The track was built in the rain earlier in the week so it was a different kind of condition than what is normal for Angel Stadium. The soft base proved it even more challenging for Scotty as the track demanded strength. All in all, Scotty did qualify decently when it was all said and done but he had had enough and it was time to look on the up and up to Detroit next weekend. 


Josh Greco was determined to make it happen for himself when the day began in Anaheim. He has shown speed all year and due to the triple crown format of Anaheim 2, it was necessary to qualify in the top 18 to go to the night show. Josh hit the track with confidence and began finding the fast lines. Luckily for Josh, the whoops were tricky and he knew he could make up some time in those sections. Josh did take an uncharacteristic tumble in the first session but luckily he was able to brush himself off and get back on the horse. His speed was looking good and his name was up there on the list but he knew he had to give it his all in the final qualifying session. The track conditions were beginning to change and the ruts were starting to develop as his session began. He did his best to get a clean lap but it was tricky with how challenging the track was becoming. By the end, he would qualify 26th overall and be forced to go to the LCQ. Josh Launched off the gate and was running around mid pack when he was funneled into the middle of a second corner pile up that stopped all of his momentum. His night would end there and the recovery began. 


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