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LS2 Race Report: San Diego, CA 3 2022


Kyle Chisholm had finally recovered from his illness that had been plaguing his performances the last couple weeks and was ready to go all in in San Diego. In typical fashion, Kyle had no worries learning the track as he figured out the fast lines quickly, he did what he needed to do to secure his spot in the show and head to the gate. When his Heat began, Kyle was pinched early in the first corner and had his work cut out for him. He did everything he could but would fall just short of qualifying position. Kyle headed to the LCQ, and was ready for action. When the gate dropped, he launched off the line and demanded the number 1 spot early on. He put in one solid lap after another and would be first to see the checkered flag as he took the 450 LCQ win. The Main Event went well for Kyle although he started in the back, he did what he does back and worked up to an impressive 17th overall on the night.


After some crazy experiences from Oakland, Cade was ready to put it all behind him as the day began in Southern California. His knee was feeling much better as he did lots of work during the week to regain his motion. Cade looked very strong when qualifying began as he finished up a very commendable 22nd fastest overall. He was set and ready to go racing in San Diego. When the gate dropped for his Heat, Cade unfortunately was forced to the back early. He did everything he could but would end up 12th. In the LCQ, Cade again didn't get the jump he was looking for but nevertheless he would push all the way to the checkered flag. He definitely had the speed, but bad starts would be the cause of his night ending prematurely.


Joan Cros continues to show week after week that he belongs in the Main event conversation. It takes a lot of work to reach this level in our sport but he continues to get it done. Joan showed his typical aggression when practice began on Saturday and secured his spot in the show with an impressive top 30 qualifying time. When the Heat race finally began for Joan his luck off the gate took a turn for the worse. He was near the rear of the pack and knew it was going to be tough to move forward in the stacked lineup ahead of him. He would go on to the LCQ and when this one began, it was unfortunately a similar story. He would do what he could but would fall just two spots short of qualifying position.


Bubba Pauli continues his impressive juggling act of owning his team and riding for his team week after week. To say its commendable is an understatement as his speed continues to improve each round. Bubba took to the track on Saturday morning and learned the fast lines quickly. He ran into a little bit of trouble in the final sessions but not before putting in some speedy laps to secure himself in the show. Bubba would unfortunately struggle from sub par starts as the night went on and would come up just short of the Main Event. It wouldn’t be for lack of effort though as Bubba took full advantage of each and every race doing his best to charge forward.


Josh Greco has found some serious speed this year as he made the switch to the 250. Still competing in the 450 division, Josh is able to handle the bike much easier and carry more momentum through the corners. His speed has been impressive and his drive to push to the end of the motos even more so. Josh was happy to see a long set of whoops when practice began and did his best to get some fast laps in quickly. By the time the checkers flew, his efforts were enough as he secured his spot under the lights in San Diego. A similar story for Josh would occur in each of his Heats where he would battle from behind but never stop pushing. He looked strong all night and took it as a step forward going into A2.


David Pulley has been riding like a new man as of late and he was ready to continue to show that when the day began in San Diego. He came out on the fresh track with the very first practice of the day and set the tone early. He was one of the first riders to unlock some big rhythms and was looking really strong. David secured his spot in the show with a very impressive 35th fastest position and was ready to go. With positivity flowing through his veins, David took off as the gate dropped for his Heat race. He would look strong battling it out with the guys and took the opportunity to learn from faster riders. A similar story would occur in the LCQ and he would fall just short of putting it in the Main Event.


Addison Emory has been nursing some lasting injuries from the last couple months but was ready to give it another try on Saturday morning in Southern California. With a couple weeks off of recuperation, Addison was feeling spunky when the very first practice session of the day began. His bike was working well and he was feeling the flow as he flew through the cityscape of San Diego. Unfortunately, a few mistakes here and there would cause him to fall just short of qualifying position but he showed much promise for the rounds to come.


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