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Darren Carter purchased some property in Illinois last July with a goal of making a fantastic riding facility for up-and-coming riders. With a background in flat track, he built his sons three different style motorcycle tracks and allows local riders to come and ride. Along with the tracks, Darren also has a race shop with some cool ideas in mind.  We called Darren up to see what his plans are for Carter Farm moving forward.

Tell me a little bit about Carter Farm?


We bought a house last July located in Illinois and we have been creating and recreating tracks on the property. We have a house, workshop and 3 tracks on the property.  I have a small short track; a quarter mile short track and a motocross track that weaves in and out of all of it.  We are working on getting an over-under bridge put in the middle.  The goal is to have people come over and ride.  I want to be able to help younger riders with Flat Track and there are other great motocross riders in the area that come help the young kids with motocross skills. It’s cool to see racers from Illinois doing good and going places and we want to do our part to keep the young talent coming through.

How did the idea come about?

We rented a house for a little bit and tried to have Carter Farm there. We had a small minibike track there. It was cool but renting the land and constantly digging up the dirt and making tracks, the landlord said he was cool with it but at some point, we wanted our own thing. I wanted to have my boys set up to where they can go back and forth between flat track and motocross tracks getting the ultimate experience on two wheels.  They can practice there jumping on the moto track and work on their corner speed on the flat track.  Best of both worlds. I want to have a place for my kids and other local kids to ride when the other tracks are closed or not available.  The ultimate goal is to have a better track in my back yard then any of the other tracks in the area. 


How has the community been with Carter Farm?


When we first moved in, I went to my neighbors down the road to give them a heads up.  I told him we ride dirt bikes all the time and we were going to have a lot of people riding and making some noise on the weekends.  He said he shoots guns, so if I don’t have a problem with the sounds of guns, then he doesn’t have a problem with the sounds of dirt bikes. It all worked out perfect.  I know a lot more people in the area than I thought I did.  We have had so many people help out with loaders, dozers and excavators; the community has really been helping out. The neighbors ride too so it is all working out perfectly.  The following has been getting bigger and bigger.


What is your background in racing?  Did you focus more on Flat Track or Motocross?


My roots are in Flat Track racing.  My dad raced, my grandpa raced, and I raced. I had a Flat Track Pro license before I had a driving license. As I got older and stop racing professionally, I started getting into motocross.  I noticed motocross made me better at Flat Track and Flat Track made me better at motocross, so I kind of went back and forth.



Tell me about the workshop?


Last year we got into powder coating.  We were building 150s and had the capabilities to do it so I asked myself “why are we paying people to do this when we can” so we started with that.  We are going to start doing “How To” videos and put online.  We have a bunch of projects and we are going to rebuild them all and explain how to do it along the way. A lot of people are home doing nothing right now with the pandemic so we thought making videos would be cool for people to watch. We also have a dyno in the shop that we are working on getting together.  The goal with the shop is to be able to build a bike, tune the bike, and then test the bike on the track outside.



Do you do any events at Carter Farm?


We want to have some events this summer.  We want to have a girl ride day where just girls come out and we help them and teach them how to ride. Also, a kid’s day to help them become better riders.  We want to put Illinois back on the map.  Chase Sexton is holding down the fort right now, but we want to have more great riders come out of the area.


A lot of young kids are playing video games nowadays, is Carter Farm a way to keep your kids and kids in the area interested in motorsports?


Absolutely that is my main goal in general.  With two boys, I have a 6-year-old named Cash and a 3-year-old named Corbin. This winter was kind of rough.  We weren’t able to do as much riding as we wanted. Keeping Cash off that Nintendo Switch was difficult.  I am glad the weather is starting to get better and he can get out and ride.  



What is Cash more interested in? Motocross or Flat Track?


 Right now, he is enjoying both of them.  We are jumping back and forth between the two and he is growing his skills in general on two wheels.  He loves anything with two wheels.  In the house he is playing with motorcycles making dirt bike sounds and outside he is either on a bicycle or motorcycle.  If he is not on the pegs of something, he is not very happy.



Is Corbin riding yet?


He has a Strider, and he is riding that having fun.  We got him a little electric bike and he was a little hesitant at first.  We kept trying to convince him to take it out on the track, but he wasn’t having it. Finally, a buddy of mine told him he will give him fruit snacks if he does a lap around the track and apparently that’s all it took.  We had been trying to get him to do that for days.  Who knew all we needed was some fruit snacks? We were trying to bribe him with all sorts of stuff, apparently fruit snacks were the ticket. 






What a way to kick off my first year in MotoAmerica as an LS2 Helmets athlete! Round one of the MotoAmerica racing season was held at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta in Braselton GA and was double stuffed with excitementfrom start to finish! But before we get to the race action, allow me to introduce myself.


My name is Keagan “The Carolina Hurricane” Brown or KB73 for short if you prefer. I just turned 14 on May 3rd and am making my professional debut as a MotoAmerica Sportbike Track Gear Junior Cup racer for 2021. I’ll be racing a 2021 Kawasaki Ninja 400 with the Bartcon Racing team and doing so sporting LS2 Helmets all along the way! This will be my second full season with LS2 Helmets and I couldn’t be happier to be apart of the team with the likes of Loris Baz in the MotoAmerica paddock! Now then, I couldn’t race this round thanks to my birthday being on the final day of the event. 14 is the minimum and there are ZERO exceptions to the rule.


I know what you’re thinking.... “This kid is 14 years old....what could he possibly know about anything?” Well sir or ma’am, while it is true that I’m only 14, I am 9 years into racing motorcycles and have trained along side great racers like, Josh Herrin, Jake Lewis, Ashton Yates, Matthew Scholtz, Blake Davis, Benjamin Gloddy, Gus Rodio and several other great riders and coaches over the years. I’ve literally grownup trackside and fully immersed in the powersports lifestyle. “ you know a few things about motorcycles and maybe even a little about racing... that still doesn’t explain why a 14 year old kid is writing articles for Pulse Magazine online.” Well, that’s an easy question to answer and I can answer it with one word.... ACCESS.


Basically, between racing in MotoAmerica, and being an LS2 Helmets athlete, I have access. Access to the goings on behind the scenes and in the paddock before and after the fans all go home, and inside info on some of the cool stuff happening at LS2. So, even at an early age, I find myself in a position to be able to offer some great insight into the world of MotoAmerica and racing in general, that you may not have otherwise ever known about! My plan is to bring you some interesting observations from my race weekends, some great photos from around the paddock, race reports on my races, as well as; a break down of the winners at each round. Think of me as the fly on the wall, or tent as it were. I will do my best each round to get some interesting odds and ends from behind the scenes that other publications simply don’t have access to. Trust me when I say that not all the most entertaining things in racing happen on the track and the story isn’t always about who finishes on the podium. The real race action is with the teams and everything that goes into even getting the bike and rider to the grid. Some of the best stories are about what the industry commonly refers to as back markers. I plan to cover it all from the glorious to the less than glorious and everything in between.


That brings me to this opening round of the 2021 MotoAmerica Superbikes at Road Atlanta. What a killer weekend! The first thing that stands out about the weekend is the return of the fans to the stands!

I was fortunate enough to attend last year’s Road Atlanta round which was delayed by Covid. At the time, Georgia was still allowing fans, but there was nowhere near the turn out as this year. There was literally a different feeling in the air as people wondered the fan zone and set up camps and seating all around the beautiful Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta facility. I think it was a great combination of returning to some normalcy, and of course, the excitement of round one racing.


Even though there was a tire test in Texas at Circuit of the Americas, many of these teams were just bringing their new bike packages to the track for the first time. In some cases, riders and other team members were meeting face to face for the first time as the team members may have been spread throughout the country with the bike being built in one place while the rider trains in another and the team owner and support staff lives yet elsewhere. This is the dynamic of Bartcon. I only met my full team the weekend before in New Jersey when I was there from North Carolina to test a bike that was built in New York and to train with teammates from Pennsylvania and Indiana by way of South Africa! The point is, the first round is just that for many of these racers and teams. The first practices on Friday showed exactly what I mean. Some bikes missed early practices while sorting out gremlins while some riders with some great winter training rose to the top of the leaderboards. Blake Davis sat on the provisional pole for JR. Cup for example. The all new Aprilia 660s fitting in both the aforementioned categories with some needing a little extra attention before taking to the track while others went out and impressed right away. Some riders found the technical Road Atlanta circuit to be a real challenge and found their way back to the pits via the safety truck rather than their own power. One such rider was first year Super Sport 600 rider Domonic Doyle. He found himself the victim of a high side during an early practice session and while the bike was not severely damaged, Domonic’s weekend was done due to a banged up arm. He expects to return in time for VIR later in May.


The racing did not disappoint with similar drama. LS2’s very own Loris Baz came out of the gate charging and even leading the first Super Bike race of the weekend before pushing just a bit too hard and finding the gravel trap resulting in a DNF. Leaving the door open for Matthew Scholtz to take the first win of the season on his Westby Racing Yamaha R1 followed closely by Bobby Fong aboard the M4 Suzuki. Teammates Jake Gagne and Josh Herrin riding matching Attack Yamaha Fresh N Lean R1s had two very different experiences with Gagne’s bike letting go early on allowing Josh Herrin to bring home 3rd position.


Stock 1000 saw some great competition and diversity on the podium. Last season it was all Cam Peterson on the Altus GSXR 1000. Cam moved on to Super Bike for 21 leaving ample opportunity for a new king of the hill in Super Stock 1000. Michael Gilbert on a new 2021 ZX10 Kawasaki went to the front and didn’t look back with Ashton Yates aboard a new Honda Fireblade RR-RSP coming in second and Travis Wyman aboard the BMW 1000 rounding out the podium. It is great to see three manufacturers in the mix and battling it out!

Last season saw the birth of a great rivalry in Super Sport 600 and 2021 seems to be turning into part two of that rivalry. Sean Dylan Kelly or SDK aboard the Suzuki GSXR 600 had a short battle with Richie Escalante on the Kawasaki Ninka 636 before pushing to the front and staying there to take first with Escalante in second followed by a hard charging Nolan Lamkin bringing home third aboard a Yamaha R6 to continue the diversity trend.


Twins class introduced the all new Aprilia RS 660 into competition against the tried and true SV650 from Suzuki and the FZ07R Yamahas. The Aprilias lived up to the hype from their press junkets back at the end of last season. With ROBEM racing’s Kaleb DeKeyrel taking the top step on a bike that he had only had a few laps on followed by privateer Jody Barry on the Righteous Racing Aprilia followed by another ROBEM racing Aprilia piloted by Hayden Schultz. The Aprilia didn’t outright dominate race one like the podium results may suggest. Teag Hobbs lead a large chunk of the Twins race one but was penalized for a very questionable jump start resulting in a ride through penalty. Hobbs took too long to respond to the penalty and was black flagged as a result and received no points but put on a tremendous show proving that the venerable SV650 Suzuki still has legs. Not to worry, Hobbs more than made up for this misfortune in race two on Sunday.


Race one for the Sportbike Track Gear (STG) Junior Cup continued tot deliver great action and even some surprises! Gus Rodio sat on pole and took an early lead with Ben Gloddy, David Kohlstaedt, Blake Davis and Tyler Scott in tow. An ugly crash by Avery Dreher early on brought out a red flag and created a restart situation. Again, Rodio, Gloddy, Scott and Kohlstaedt found themselves at the front of the pack when Blake Davis found his way to the airfence. The surprise came from Ty Scott racing his KTM RC 390 to the front and never looking back with Ben Gloddy solidly in Second leaving Gus Rodio and David Kohlstaedt going toe to toe in the closing laps with Kohlstaedt ultimately going deep to pass Rodio with about 3 turn to go and securing the final spot on the podium.


Day two saw even more great action! Jake Gagne and the Fresh n Lean Attack Yamaha crew repaired his bike from the previous day’s blow up to take the win! He was followed by Matthew Scholtz and teammate Josh Herrin to fill out the podium. An all Yamaha podium that left Matthew Scholtz as the over all points leader as the Super Bikes head to VIR for round 2.


The stock 1000 competitors went to work after race one and made changes that resulted in Travis Wyman taking the top step on his BMW, with Geoff May finding something more in his Honda Fireblade to finish 2nd and Ashton Yates pulling two podiums with a solid 3rd! This puts Ashton Yates second in the points hot on the heels of Travis Wyman in first as we move on to VIR.


Supersport replayed the rivalry with SDK taking 1stand Richie Escalante bringing home 2nd again with the big surprise being 2020 Jr Cup and 2020 Twins Cup Champion Rocco Landers finishing in third after having crashed out of race

one. This lead to a Suzuki, Kawasaki and Yamaha podium continuing to deliver on the theme of diversity.


Teag Hobbs didn’t make the same mistake twice with an excellent start and battle upfront with Kayleb DeKeyrel and Jody Barry. Unfortunately for DeKeyrel, his new Aprilia RS660 dropped fluid with 5 to go and caused a nasty chain reaction causing DeKeyrel, Barry, Schultz and the third Robem Aprilia RS660 Toby Khamsouk to crash out. That is the entire Robem team of 3 Aprilia RS 660s and the privateer Jody Barry also on an Aprilia out of the race. This allowed Teag Hobbs, Trevor Standish and the Twins Cup OG Chris Parrish to fill out the podium in race 2.


Junior Cup race 2 was a thriller. Ben Gloddy found something extra over night and went to the front after a few passing exchanges with Ty Scott. Cody Wyman and team made positive changes as well allowing him to take 3rd. That is Gloddy in 1st, Scott in second and Wyman 3rd, the result of a great race!

Finally, day two saw round one of the Mission Foods King of the Baggers race. This 3 round race series is exactly what it sounds like. Bagger Cruisers all decked out in race trim!

If you’ve never seen these races, you owe it to yourself to take time and give it a watch! Round one saw Tyler O’Hara aboard an Indian Challenger in 1st, Kyle Wyman aboard a Harley Davidson Road Glide in 2ndand Frankie Garcia also aboard an Indian Challenger in 3rd. These bikes are not the big cumbersome touring machines you see on the road. They are highly modified, carbon fiber clad, fire breathing monsters. Speeds approaching 150 mph and lap times between Twins and Super Sport times. It is a growing class as these teams learn more and more with each outing about design and execution. If you have never made it out to a MotoAmerica race event, try hard to grab a couple of friends and make your way out to one. The series goes from coast to coast this year and even a couple of places in between. I can promise you will NOT be disappointed. If you love two wheels, there is something for everyone at one of these events. Besides, now you know at least one person involved in the mix. Come by the Bartcon Racing tent and say hello! No matter what you ride, try and get out and support two wheel riding anyway you can. Remember to always wear your gear, be safe and most importantly, have fun!






Matthew Miles is a journalist with a passion for motor sports, especially motorcycle racing. Miles spent adolescence poring over car and motorcycle magazines. As a journalism student at Indiana University, he decided to pursue a writing career that involved his favorite pastime, motorcycling. Landing an internship at Cycle in 1988, Miles took a first step toward his dream job. Two years later, he accepted a full-time gig with an ATV magazine, 3&4 Wheel Action. Miles was hired at Cycle World in 1991, and he remained with the title in various roles for 29 years. We called him to learn more about his inspiring story.

What was your first interest in motor sports?


My grandfather and father enjoyed car racing, especially the Indianapolis 500 and midgets. My father had a subscription to Road & Track, so I learned about cars and motor sports through the pages of that magazine.


Road & Track was known for its coverage of high-performance European sports cars—BMWs, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Porsches, etc.—all of which were well beyond my budget. Motorcycles, however, were cheap. I bought a used street bike for $400.


Your passion for motorcycles started with cars?


I wasn’t exposed to motorcycling at an early age. Indianapolis was an hour by car from Lafayette, where I grew up, so I could have seen Kenny Roberts win the 1975 Indy Mile. Unfortunately, I didn’t learn about that event or meet Roberts until years later.


I began buying motorcycle magazines—Cycle World, Cycle, Motorcyclist and Cycle Guide—when I was 15 years old. Eventually, I saved enough money to buy my first motorcycle, a Kawasaki KZ400. It wasn’t in great shape, and the engine blew up a few months later.


A friend was selling a cherry Honda CB400F. I bought it for $600. That was a great bike—four cylinders, 10,000-rpm redline. Reading books and magazines, I discovered the FIM 500cc Grand Prix Road Racing World Championship. Roberts had recently retired, but he was still involved in the sport.


Three years later, I sold the Honda and bought a Yamaha RZ350, the red, white and blue Roberts signature edition. My father co-signed for a loan, and I rode that bike all over Indiana and, later, California. I owned it more than 25 years.


Did you have any interest in racing at this time or was motorcycling a hobby?


I had a lot of interest in racing and wanted to understand it. I bought a copy of Roberts’ book, “Techniques of Motor Cycle Road Racing,” which I still have. I read it forward and backward. I raced a few times in my early 20s, but even club racing was highly competitive and expensive, so I focused on writing about the sport.


How did you get started in the world of print magazines?


Like many niche print publications, motorcycle magazines were packed with details. This was pre-internet—you couldn’t Google “GSX-R” or “Ninja”—so magazines provided the specifics that motorcyclists were seeking about the latest models.


I was a journalism major in college, but I had no desire to work for a newspaper. As I studied magazine production, the more I believed I could combine my interest in motorcycling with a career. That became my goal.


When I was a junior in college, I applied for internships with my favorite magazines. One didn’t reply, and Paul Dean at Cycle World sent me a thoughtful letter thanking me for my interest but he didn’t have budget for an intern at that time.


I was leaving for spring break when I received a phone call from the late Phil Schilling, editor-in-chief at Cycle magazine. He offered me a summer internship. Turns out, Phil was from Indiana, too.


I flew to California for what turned out to be an amazing experience. I worked closely with the editorial staff, rode many different motorcycles on great roads, was published and even met Roberts at Laguna Seca. That experience opened the door for the rest of my career.


When I graduated in 1989, I sent my resume to many titles, but I didn’t get any bites. An ATV magazine, 3&4 Wheel Action, had an opening. I applied because I knew it would be an opportunity to get my foot in the motorcycle industry. I got the job, and my dad and I packed a moving van and drove to California.


I hoped that job would be a stepping stone to Cycle World, and it was. Nine months later, CW had a few staffing changes. I applied for one of the open positions, associate editor, and Editor-in-Chief David Edwards hired me. I was 24 years old.



Not many people can say they achieved their career goal. How does that feel?


Cycle World was my dream job, and I can’t overstate that. Writing for that magazine is what I set out to do, and I was fortunate to work alongside great people—Paul Dean and Kevin Cameron, in particular—for 29 years.


What is your favorite motorcycle?


We remember the music of our youth, and motorcycles are a bit like that, too. When I arrived at Cycle World in 1991, technology was advancing quickly. There was a rush to greater engine and chassis performance, weight reduction and, ultimately, electronic rider aids. It was a great time to be part of the industry.


I rode many new and different motorcycles on the street and at the racetrack. The Ducati 916 was a watershed machine, as was the Honda CBR900RR. Harley-Davidson made great strides during this period, and I had a front-row seat for the explosion of the adventure segment.


Hands down, Miguel Duhamel’s AMA Formula Xtreme-winning Honda CBR600RR was the best bike I ever rode on a racetrack. It was a middleweight superbike. What a gem.


What was your favorite assignment?


There was so much competition between titles. Everyone had access to the same motorcycles, so we were forever dreaming up creative ways to present comparisons and road tests. Cycle World had a large subscriber base, but we also wanted to sell as many magazines as possible on the newsstand.


Cover blurbs, photo selection, even colors, were crucially important, and thanks in large part to Edwards and Art Director Elaine Anderson, CW stood out. We had many meetings to generate bigger-think feature ideas and produce higher-quality writing. Budgets at the time were substantial, so nearly anything was possible.


In 1996, Honda asked if I wanted to ride Mick Doohan’s world championship-winning Honda NSR500 at Eastern Creek Raceway in Australia. I didn’t feel qualified to ride the bike, so I asked 1993 500cc World Champion Kevin Schwantz, who had recently retired from Grand Prix racing, to represent Cycle World.


Schwantz agreed, and I got the approval from Honda a couple weeks later. When Kevin and I arrived at the track, a camera crew and a bunch of journalists were waiting. Kevin could see I was concerned. “Don’t worry,” he said. “I’ll answer their questions, but I’ll give you the story.” And he did.


I also enjoyed the Team Cycle World Attack Performance Yoshimura Suzuki GSX-R1000 AMA Superbike project in 2010. Our rider, Eric Bostrom, qualified on the front row at VIRginia International Raceway. That was a proud moment for everyone involved.


Do you have any suggestions for young journalist interested in working in our industry?


When I began reading monthly motorcycle magazines, coverage of the Daytona 200, which takes place in March, was published weeks later in the June issue. The internet changed everything. Now, editorial conversations revolve around algorithms and clicks and engagement. New motorcycles are launched and races are streamed live on your phone.


Journalism is important, and great work will find an audience. Read. Study grammar and style. Learn a foreign language. A carefully researched, well-written and edited story has value—just ask your readers. I was fortunate to work on a platform I enjoyed for many years, but we have barely scratched the surface of what digital publishing offers.


What is next for you?


For most of my time at Cycle World, we had a large editorial staff with dozens of contributors. Publishing has changed a lot, and motorcycle media has suffered, especially print. Now, one or two people work on a title, and the pressures are different. Deadlines are hourly, not monthly, and that took some of the fun out of it for me.


When I was laid off in February 2020, I was disappointed but not surprised. I worked briefly for the American Motorcyclist Association, where I enjoyed collaborating with a new team and reconnecting with friends in the Midwest. I am now focused on other projects.


I am pleased with the work I did and the lifelong bonds I made at Cycle World. I am looking forward to whatever comes next, but those years were special. I lived my dream.




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